Emotional Intelligence

In this month’s edition, we are exploring the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Can you identify your emotions and understand why they’re happening? What about the emotions of others? Are you skilled at spotting and responding to their cues?  Those with high emotional intelligence readily recognize their feelings, manage their reactions, and build positive interactions with others. A skill that leads to success inside and outside the office, emotional intelligence is well worth refining.

To locate the course, log in to the Areas U RISE learning platform (https://areas.rise.com/login) via your phone’s browser, tablet, or laptop.  Google chrome works best!  You will see the course, Leading with Emotional intelligence, on your My Learning page. Reminder, your username is your Areas email address.

Please feel free to contact michele.garcia@areas.com if you cannot log in.

PRACTICE:  Emotional Intelligence is not something you can improve overnight.  Every aspect takes some practice.  As mentioned in the lesson, a critical first step is Self-Awareness.  Keep practicing. A onetime reflection or feedback session isn’t enough. To develop self-awareness, you must make a conscious, everyday commitment to practice awareness. So, make a habit of regularly checking in with your experiences, noticing your feelings, and using every moment as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your emotions.

July 6, 2022
Internal news